Skans » 17 Jan 2025, 1:43 pm » wrote: ↑
LOL - Wikipedia. Run by a bunch of San Fransicko - knob slobberers.
- Mikel Maron - "Community Organizer"
- Maryana Iskander - CEO of Planned Parenthood (Egyptian born)
- Toni Sant - Academic elitist who was director of Research in the School of Arts and New Media at the University of Hull
- Dariusz Jemielniak - another academic elitist who also writes policy for the EU.
- Phoebe Ayres - who knows, probably related to radical Bill Ayres.
- Mara C.W.G. - Founder of "Equity League" - a radical organization for "Advancing Gender Equality (Tranny Men in Women Sports) In and Through Sport
Don't go quoting me **** from Wikapedophile! ... -elements/ ... ts-so-rare
Happy now? Even though the information didn't change with a source change ?
The two largest reasons The U.S. is **** when it comes to domestic production of rare earth minerals and why China will continue to dominate the market for decades to come is ......
Extraction is very costly...and so is the environmental impact.
and processing is just as costly .....
too keep up with China you would have to start strip mining every state in the continental U.S. ......
and that will never **** happen for obvious reasons.
next time you should discuss subjects you know about .