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21 Jan 2025 9:36 am
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Skans » 53 minutes ago » wrote: Donald Trump is a pragmatist. He has a very specific agenda he wants to complete in his first 4 years, realizing that he may have less than 2 years to accomplish this.  He needs to reduce military spending in Ukraine and the Middle East.  He has no moral conviction about Israel completely defeating all of its enemies.  In Trump's view, Israel can do whatever it takes to resolve the hostage matter, and then it should halt all further military aggression.  If Iran, Yemen, or Lebanon continue to attack Israel, Trump will allow Israel to unleash holly hell on them - and will likely have the U.S. join in on this to some degree.  Regardless, Trump's goal is to disengage in middle eastern wars which serve no purpose to the US.

With regard to Ukraine, Trump will be pushing for a cease fire.  He will push Ukraine to recognize Crimea as Russia's.  He will push Russia and Ukraine to give back all captured land since the start of the war. In exchange, he will promise to lift all sanctions on Russia.  Trump will want "teeth" in any Ukrainian-Russian truce. He may concede not to allow NATO to have any bases in Ukraine, but he will want NATO to have the ability to defend Ukraine if Russia attacks it again. Trump will also need to pledge some funds to help Ukraine rebuild.  But, I believe he will extract support from NATO nations for this as well.

If Trump can get the US militarily disengaged in the middle east and Ukraine, that would be a huge win for him.  And, it would be a big win for the U.S. Budget.
Not 1 American  taxpayer dollar should go to rebuilding the Ukraine .....

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