Skans » 28 Jan 2025, 3:23 pm » wrote: ↑
You mean when Siberia secedes? Guess you haven't been keeping up on what's REALLY going on inside Russia. When Siberia secedes, all of Eastern Russia will be up for grabs. Like how Syria was up for grabs....remember that? Israel took its slice. Turkey took a slice. Still more free land in Syria. That's what will eventually happen to Eastern Russia.
Next doing your blibber-blabber'n.
what does that have to do with gaza?
-------------------------------------------------In turn the Global South, and particularly the Middle East, is helping Russia ease the economic fallout from its conflict with the West and drawing Moscow to stand closer to Hamas than Israel.This also means a useful alignment with China, whose position is also widely regarded as pro-Palestinian and a counterbalance to the ‘pro-Zionist stance’ of the West.Al Jazeera has
highlighted Russia’s statements on the conflict and its initiatives on Gaza at the UN Security Council, cautiously
steering their readers and viewers to a conclusion that Russia’s proposals are more compassionate and detailed than those of the US.In any case the so-called Arab street is comfortable with Moscow exploiting the situation for its own needs, as long as it also makes life more difficult for Israeli supporters and creates alternatives in the international arena.