peepee » 06 Nov 2017, 4:35 pm » wrote: ↑
....dante brought 'capitalism' into that thread...i've never heard any two republicrats define the THEORY of 'capitalism' the same so threads like that get real confused especially when republican-radio-level 'thinkers'
start commenting...i wanted to start a thread on the REALITY of 'our' [hideous] money order and the verifiable ignorance of republicrats like squirmin8tor, stinky **** and the rest of the abundant verifiable monetary ignoramuses around here...
...i like to start at a very basic level with republicrats like squirmy, dildo, stinky, et al....because they are so obviously and fundamentally ignorant about the origin and nature of the money for which they suck peepee....for example, if dildo/squirmy/stinky/et al were comfortable and honest and i asked them to describe the first thing they see in their 'mind's eye' when i said the word 'dog'...they would/could conjure and describe some/a 'real dog'...same thing if i said 'cat,' 'automobile,' 'santa claus,' etc. ad nauseam...and if i asked them to describe their 'mind's eye' image of a baseball game, sexual intercourse, etc..they would have a realistic image in their 'mind's eye' based on their life experiences, etc...
...BUT, if, for example, i asked them to describe what appears immediately in their mind's eye when i ask them to conjure 'the creation of dollars/money'...i'm ALMOST CERTAIN (judging from their previous ignoramus postings, etc.) they 'see' a printing press with the little green ragcloth rectangles rolling down the line...printed in some GOVERNMENT/PUBLIC that's some 'brainwashing'!!!...
...btw, don't feel bad, republicrat mcstinkers, i too used to be a brainwashed republicrat monetary ignoramus spouting republicrat THEORY...but now i see THE REALITY much more clearly in my mind's eye:...'money/dollar' creation is just some private commercial bankster lackey tapping some new number$ into some account they've created for someone...
...(btw, if your brow is just may be a brainwa$hed republicrat monetary ignoramus!...turn off the **** republican radio and get 'monetary realism'...)