Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
1,231 posts
GHETTOBLASTER » 02 Mar 2024, 11:00 am » wrote: ↑
BULL **** low life piece of **** traitor.
The only shortage are people unwilling to compete against millions of Illegal Aliens that work for poverty wages and zero benefits.
There are millions of able bodied people who would rather sell drugs, or steal, or else stand at freeway off ramps all day holding card board signs than having to compete with millions of Illegal Aliens for poverty wages.
Nature hates a vacuum.
We've got 10 million Illegal Aliens in the USA [1 out of every 34 people walking around our nation] thanks to Globalist agenda to flood every White Ruled Nation on Earth with single party loyal and government services dependent primitive people from their failed, primitive societies.
Traitors like you totally disgust me.
To a large degree it's people like you who never served who are the most willing to hand your grand kid's futures over to the NWO / JWO..
Traitor is a pretty loaded term.
Nothing is easier than defending the status quo.