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12 Mar 2024 8:55 am
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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Skans » 12 Mar 2024, 8:01 am » wrote: For people between the ages of 18 - 40, yes.  Here's why:
  • Starting salaries for people with a 4-year degree are only double what they were in 1990. 
  • Houses are 400% - 500% what they were in 1990
  • Food Costs are 400%-600% of what they were in 1990
  • Cost of a 4-year degree is 15 times what it was in 1990, causing most young people to start adulthood saddled with huge debt.
  • Cost of a professional degree is even higher than a 4-year degree.
  • Competition for internships and beginning jobs is fierce, and many graduates are delayed getting meaningful work.
  • Jobs for people without college degrees provide sustenance level wages at best. But, the worst thing is that the age-out cycle is about 5 years.  This is when the jobs change so fundamentally due to disruption, AI, robotics and other technological advances that Union-Trade workers become obsolete. 
So, that means there will be 3 categories of people who will be able to afford a decent life:
1.  The extremely bright and functional - IQ's over 130 without being on "the spectrum" - That's about two-thirds of 5%.  I say two-thirds, because there is a significant percentage of those with high IQ's who are not fully functional for various reasons.
2.   Those who have IQ's over 120, are methodical-structured, have an aptitude for finance and investing and have a steady, long-term plan for creating their own wealth.  I'd say that's another 5%
3.  Those who someday inherit wealth from their parents.  This number is quite small and getting smaller due to divorce, vices, age-related diseases, and organized gangs who prey upon older people to con them out of their wealth.

So, do you have children aged 18-40?  If so, at what age were they able to buy their first house?  Get out of debt completely (except what they financed on their house)?
Well, I'm not going to check all your statistics but I will tell you economics tends to be a shake up. Some people pay more, some people earn more. The trends are worrying though especially after people stopped demanding better working conditions. Of course we could be like France where they block off highways because train fare rises by 1 euro. That's really the other side of it.
Nothing is easier than defending the status quo.
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