Zeets2 » 20 Jun 2022, 6:48 pm » wrote: ↑
Oh no? Have you read his daughter's diary where SHE STATES how he showered with her and was "inappropriate" with her? Is it so easy for you to dismiss his repeated enjoyment sniffing the hair of young girls and relaying stories of how he enjoyed the neighborhood kids playing with his leg hair? Do you think it's just a coincidence that his daughter Ashley blames his shower fondling with her own problems as a nymphomaniac, a drug abuser, and her broken marriage on how he MOLESTED (her words) her? Or were you unaware of how this scumbag raised his kids, including his drug addicted son who got thrown out of the military and was dumb enough to video himself smoking crack while having sex with underage girls? How come, was this information not given to you on CNN or MSNBC, who you're happy to support while they edit the news stories to make sure you don't hear anything negative about your corrupt hero?
Digest THAT tonight, nitwit. Tomorrow when I have more time, I'll gladly address your ignorance regarding your idiotic claims on the issue of the oil company's profits, so sleep well tonight, you liberal buttercup!
People like this you’re talking to don’t get it. They would rather see the economy go to ****. He would rather see transgenders using all restrooms. People like this person or whatever the hell it is, is what’s wrong with this world.