IkeBana » 22 Jun 2022, 6:33 pm » wrote: ↑
The problem for black folks, is they get shot by white cops when they're not running, not walking, not resisting, not even **** awake. They get shot when they're putting their hands up, when they're complying, when they're saying I can't breathe, they get choked to death. So why wouldn't they run when cop says "stop"??? I'd run like my **** life depended on it, because if I was a black guy in an encounter with a white cop...my life is at immediate risk.
We got plenty of black preachers in Chicago telling gangbangers to stop shooting each other and killing kids in the crossfire. Why are you **** bringing up gangbanger shootings all the time? We know there are gangbangers. We know they're murderous **** bad guys. We know they kill each other, which nobody but their mama's think is any great loss. We know that innocent kids have been caught in the crossfire of a gangbanger firefight. Why are we talking about any of this ****, when the subject matter is the January 6th insurrection and attempt to perpetrate an autocratic destruction of this democratic republic on the American people.
Because you're assholes...that's why we get this **** whataboutism. We get it every time there's a school shooting, every time some trumper cohort gets caught with his hands in the cookie jar.
People speak about it because nobody cares about it. Especially black folks. They only care when 2.5% of the time a white guy kills a black and BLM goes absolutely nuts and burns cities. But they don’t care that a 12 year old kid gets shot on the streets by black thugs