Pastafarian gave himself away by laying it on too thick. His dumb persona is the poor black who experienced bad religious teaching, school discrimination, ethnic jokes at work, police abuse, prejudicial hiring practices, etc. In other words, he's going down a textbook list to say he can relate to everything experienced by the black man. Why? So he can present himself as the accomplished black, educated, enlightened family man. He beat everything in spite of it all.
He's doing it because he is paid to post here. If he posts as a white guy, then he's just another white guy here. If he pretends he's black, then he has some ammunition to meet the white conservatives head on. I don't know if he thought whites would pause or respect him, but it never worked out that way. I think that deep down, most people here thought something was a amiss with this guy.
And now, he's busted lying. I'm guessing *** is an old white bachelor, goofy as hell, and making a few nickels here. Paid posting is not uncommon, and he fits the mold to a tee.