No. Actually I think that you need to raise the retirement age for people that are under 38, to 68 or 69. Millennials are now the largest age group. They need to pay more in. The Gen Z'ers need to pay a couple MORE %, than the Millennials. They are smaller in number, but will be in the work force the longest. I'm not an actuary so I don't know the exact numbers, but it really dosen't matter, because if MORE money doesn't come from these age groups, then it will fail. I would also add a provision that people could invest some of that money (It's theirs after all). Let's say a 25%/75% split. A Gen Zer investing 25% of that tax money in something other than the government won't NEED S.S. once they retire. There isn't enough tax money from the rich (you could take all their money and it wouldn't be enough) to stabilize S.S. , pay for Medicare for All, Green New ****, Free Education, Black Slavery Handouts, studies on Australian Wombats sexual habits while on peyote buttons.........