Cannonpointer » 23 Mar 2023, 10:58 am » wrote: ↑
It's taking it's sweet **** time. Retarded people have been shrieking that for 88 years. It's currently withstanding the boomer onslaught.
But I will grant you, if they can hypnotize enough retards, they can make it "go broke."
The post office will take a letter from Anchorage to Albequerque for 65 cents. A lot of homosexuals prefer to pay 15 dollars.
Where do you stand?
The "reforms" for the post office are simple: Let them charge a few more cents per letter -
stop keeping them JUST under profitable in order to float the fiction that they are "failing" and have to be "rescued." Or even just stop making them fund their retirement differently and more rigidly than every other company in the country. Better still, both.
In other words, stop trying to destroy the post office in order to part out the people's property and give it to wall street, kleptocracy-style.
The reforms to SS may not be necessary. In case you're new to this country - and this planet, - there is a major die off in progress. All cause mortality in people 18-49 is up 40%. Based on the above out-of-house narrative, I suspect your brain is not big enough to understand the enormity of that, so I will explain it to you. A lot of mother **** that were going to be drawing social are not going to be drawing social.