DeplorablePatriot » 23 Aug 2022, 6:03 pm » wrote: ↑
I know medicine. Heart failure begins small and undetected until it worsens and becomes diagnosed. She didn't all of a sudden get heart failure, You know squat about it, so keep mum on the subject.
On the other hand, myocardial infarction (heart attack for idiot liberal laymen as yourself) can be instantaneous and without prior medical history and at ANY age for various reasons.
So, your logic once again...Don't arrest or make any criminal triggered because they might have a "heart attack"...even at age 30. Maybe the cops should be cardiologists as a complete ECG and EKG before arresting anyone. Yer a douche.
…..”I know medicine”…..and yet, you fail to say that being tased can result in cardiac arrest…..
….. now, I’m not saying that I know medicine, and didn’t pretend to but, as far as I’m concerned, it compromises the hearts function. Which may lead to an unfortunate result.
….maybe, the cop should use common sense when dealing with Grandma…(didn’t say “any” criminal you dolt) …..
…….and asshole, I’m a conservative….
You give Deplorables a bad name….