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11 May 2022 12:18 am
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199 posts
I just watched the documentary, it was filled with a ton of good information and only represents a small portion of the election fraud. The fraud installed a senile old man that apparently got way more votes than the first black president. To believe the election was fair is to believe Obama was holding back Joe Brandon Biden in the sense that he is way more popular and way more Americans prefer Brandon. I guess that makes Brandon the better president..... Laughable.
The Libtards loooove doing investigations, except when it comes to the election, then the morons repeat the MSM and say "It was the most secure election ever" and "There is no evidence of widespread voter fraud".

I've come to the exiting conclusion that Libtards are woefully ignorant idiots that can lie to one another and themselves, they think they are a good person because they are liberal when in fact they are useful idiots that are supporting the world economic forum's billionaire **** that are using them for their agenda. What do the Libtards say when this fact arises in conversation? The classic "conspiracy theory" I don't understand the retarded mentality of today's Liberals......

Freedom is a bad word. Free speech should be censored. They need "fact" checkers to confirm and solidify the lies they know deep down inside are nothing more than politically motivated ****. They actually believe racism is a way bigger problem than it is and that only the Liberal government can save them from it, when in reality it's just used as a way to manipulate votes. Likewise, they believe there is a menacing evil structure of words they call "hate speech" when all that means is "My mind is too weak and fragile to handle anything that doesn't go along with my political ideology"  Men are women and women are men by way of declaration, men in their mind can get pregnant, mothers are birthing persons, equal rights are special rights, they want a separate bathroom for each letter of their ever expanding pronouns, they think riots are mostly peaceful protests, they think destroying statues is social justice, their group identity politics is just stereo typing that they ironically are against, the list is too long to type out here. The neo-liberals are just woefully ignorant fascist idiots who can't think for themselves.  I have yet to meet one that is capable of having a conversation with that doesn't resort to personal attacks and overly emotional spazz outs.
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