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26 Oct 2022 7:46 am
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Blackvegetable » 26 Oct 2022, 7:15 am » wrote: I bet...

You just reflexively rebleat what you've been told to believe. 

How do I know?

"Border" and "boarder" are homonyms....but they are not SPELLED the same. 

You HEAR people yammer about "the boarder", but you don't bother to learn anything about it.

Your nuclear war prattle is the same ****.
I guess you didn't get the memo? It read, "Nobody gives a **** about your petty insults or your ability to pretend you are an English teacher"  Boohoo BlackVeggatebbllele isn't giving me a passing grade on my spelling mistakes. Oh, me oh my what am I to do?  Image  

Yammer! Yammer! Spelling errors! HEAR people Yammer? What should I be learning about the boarder, oh wise Marxist worshipping Blackveggertabele?
BlaaaaaaaaaackYammer! blaaaaacktothemaxVagertabellle blackVagtab BlaaaackVirgintable!

All knowing non-Yammer boarder knowledge expert spelling bee champion BlackVagina! I just can't believe how you are so negative when leftists are known for their positive inspirational perspective while never maintaining a miserable **** vibe that dwells in always looking for things that are wrong with everything. So very weird.
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