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26 Oct 2022 5:47 pm
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DeplorablePatriot » 08 Oct 2022, 11:47 am » wrote: I recall you writing some time back in a conversation between us that most of the history about concentration camps were false propaganda; that women, children, or any Jewish civilians for that matter were ever imprisoned and murdered there. I believe you espoused that all prisoners were POWs, mostly comprised of Russians. How do you explain the photographs of bodies in piles...clearly women in the mix? Also, what about the field movies of General Patton forcing German citizens to witness the bodies in open graves and other carnage and war crimes that were committed in the camps to show them what their leader had commanded over? Photos of human skeletal remains that hadn't yet been removed from the crematorium oven?

Is all of that manufactured?
The Jews declared war on Germany, so like every other country was doing, they were rounded up. There were a small minority of Jewish P.O.W.'s unless you believe that they were breeding at 1000 times the rate of the rest of the world.

The piles of bodies are from a typhus outbreak. A severe and dangerous infectious disease which led to the death of tens of thousands of Auschwitz prisoners, caused by bacteria transmitted by fleas that are parasitic to rodents, including rats and mice. Zyklon B was used for delousing purposes, but this is the gas that was said to have been used to exterminate Jewish people. The Allies blew up the supply lines that lead to starvation and death, this is why there are pictures of skin and bone war criminals, POW's and a higher body count. There is no real proof of mass gassing of Jews, not one order, not even a memo, there is only contradicting "eyewitnesses" that are motivated by war reparations. Wartime propaganda is partly responsible.  Steven Spielberg did a documentary on it and out of the thousands of contradictory eyewitness interviews they only chose the ones that followed the narrative and even those didn't contain any kind of cohesive similar information.

There have been no mass graves found, ground penetrating radar has proved that the mass graves that are claimed to have existed in certain areas don't contain bodies, you can't exterminate that many people with delousing gas in non-air tight shower rooms said the world's leading gas chamber expert at the time. Yes Jews were in the camps, yes some were executed for war crimes, but the 6 million official number is a lie, simple math for how long it takes to cremate a body in a crematorium built in the 1940's would be impossible for that many. There were no piles of ash and bone found, which would be in the tons.

They actually had to lower the official number from 6 million to 1.3 million, and that includes all POW's and war criminals.  Yes there was a crematorium but not for the purpose of mass extermination. There is more to say, but that is the compressed version, so I don't write a novel. lolz.
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