1,549 posts
Cannonpointer » 6 minutes ago » wrote: ↑
I don't watch tv, you stupid queer. Don't even OWN a tv. Haven't watched tv since the internet age.
You're an idiot. Just because people know more than you, that doesn't mean they got it from television.
You cannot dispute a word of what I said, so you project where I got it and cry about that, instead.
As a poster, you're a weak, fly-over piece of **** who mostly talks about dicks and people's mothers' asses.
You bring nothing to the board - just fly-over ****. Show us where you have EVER defended an original thesis OR disputed another's thesis with actual argument - not by telling to them to suck your dick with their mother's asshole, or some such ****, you weak little ****.
Lol, triggered over a joke! Take a midol ya homo. Oh yeah, smdwyma.