AtticusFinch » Yesterday, 8:23 am » wrote: ↑
I should do peanut gallery as I live rent free in ****'s mind. I told the DUMB **** she is on IGNORE, but the BRAIN DEAD DUMB ****, keeps responding to my posts. But I won't. I simply will ignore that DUMB BRAIN DEAD ****'s responses (as usual)
My classroom work is instructing us to be prepared to fend off t
RUMPists when they realize they **** up and regret they voted for him.
Let us not dwell on this fact. t
RUMPists tend to imitate t
Donald Trump: 'I Could ... Shoot Somebody, And I Wouldn't Lose Any Voters' ... any-voters
As you know I don't like guns, I THINK THEY SHOULD BE BANNED and anyone caught with one should face the DEATH SENTENCE.
But.. I want to be prepared. I like hand to hand combat and boxing and would easily beat the **** out of most fat *** loud mouthed t
I got the home defense covered. I am going to get a custom Beretta 1301 semiautomatic shotgun and a custom Mossberg 590 as well.
and an AR15 with a 14.5 barrel and suppressor. My employer was so gracious to assist in setting up a gun trust. Thanks !
So what about a handgun? Caliber?
My employer will provide tactical training and a gun reimbursement account and free ammunition and range time. Money is no object.
let's not dwell on the violence the t
RUMPists are known for (J6 INSURRECTION)