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15 Dec 2024 8:52 pm
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253 posts
AtticusFinch » Yesterday, 8:23 am » wrote: I should do peanut gallery as I live rent free in ****'s mind. I told the DUMB **** she is on IGNORE, but the BRAIN DEAD DUMB ****, keeps responding to my posts. But I won't. I simply will ignore that DUMB BRAIN DEAD ****'s responses (as usual)

My classroom work is instructing us to be prepared to fend off tRUMPists when they realize they **** up and regret they voted for him.
Let us not dwell on this fact. tRUMPists tend to imitate tRUMP....

Donald Trump: 'I Could ... Shoot Somebody, And I Wouldn't Lose Any Voters' ... any-voters

As you know I don't like guns, I THINK THEY SHOULD BE BANNED and anyone caught with one should face the DEATH SENTENCE.

But.. I want to be prepared. I like hand to hand combat and boxing and would easily beat the **** out of most fat *** loud mouthed tRUMPists.

I got the home defense covered. I am going to get a custom Beretta 1301 semiautomatic shotgun and a custom Mossberg 590 as well.
and an AR15 with a 14.5 barrel and suppressor. My employer was so gracious to assist in setting up a gun trust. Thanks !

So what about a handgun? Caliber? 

My employer will provide tactical training and a gun reimbursement account and free ammunition and range time. Money is no object.

let's not dwell on the violence the tRUMPists are known for (J6 INSURRECTION) Image

Come get mine you ****, I'll be glad to carry out your death sentence. **** ***!
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