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17 Jul 2022 5:38 pm
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Cannonpointer » 02 May 2014, 10:35 pm » wrote: Instead of definitions, let's talk functions.

Look at the materials required to construct a solar panel.They cost about $200.00. Add a day's labor to that $200.00, and you've got yourself a solar panel. You could sell iffor $400.00, and you've got yourself a job. So, why isn't anyone doing it?We live in a free enterprise economy, do we not?


We live in a capitalist economy, which games the system to PREVENT free enterprise. You are not allowed to sell your solar panels without a stamp of approval from Underwriters Laboratories -and they are gate keepers for Wall Street.The cost of shaking hands with UL prevents free enterprisers from operating in that market -and the same thing is going on in almost every market. The little guy is locked out by the engineered and manipulated expense of sitting at the table - locked out. Only Wall Streeters, using OTHER PEOPLES' capital, can afford to play in the game.

We need to go back to a free enterprise economy, where the little guy does not face unsurmountable obstacles to starting a small business.

Solar Panels cost about $1 per watt, and they last at least 20 years.
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