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25 Oct 2022 12:10 am
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Vegas Giants' Faggoty Sok
27 posts
For context, this occurred in a dialogue between myself and the retard MarkMatthews (who I believe no longer frequents this cesspool).

It went something like this:

Me: Yeah, uh, p sure "terrorist attacks" aren't done organically (planned and orchestrated by the actual people who carry out the violence themselves) considering they never target actual "people in charge" such as those who congregate at Davos every year but instead opt for relatively worthless civilian targets just for "shock value" purposes, i.e. to scare the retarded public into surrendering what little remains of their civil liberties/privacy/etc.

MM: So you want these people [referring to Davos] to die?

Me: Sort of undecided...although if something "happens" I can assure you I won't shed a tear or lose a moment's worth of sleep...I might even sleep soundly for once.

But since you're **** illiterate or just plain dumb, I just spelled out for you that since "terrorists" are not acting on their own volition, the chances of that happening is really low...like maybe 0.001% (being optimistic).

Do you understand now, or do you need me to repeat that in even more plain terms? 

SJC (to MM): What's wrong with his statement? The (((globalists))) want you dead as well. 
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