Cannonpointer » 15 Dec 2022, 4:04 pm » wrote: ↑
Seriously? The "spiel?"
The ****
You played lab rat, because SPIEL - and I'm an asshole to all and sundry if I suggest you suck *** dick?
I get the whole "Take it easy on the new guy," and the whole "Why do you always have to be such a prick to people?"\
But just LOOK at you - look at what a sad **** excuse for a life form you are, that you allowed a **** "SPIEL" to turn you into a panicked lab rat. I mean, if I had to do time, I would want an easy guy like you for a cellie. I'd make a living renting you out.
So. You have NEVER had a Shot for some dreaded disease?
Or ... is it a political decision on your part.