Selaphobia » 16 Dec 2022, 10:19 am » wrote: ↑
You want to hear a really good one? Remember when they told you they found Nuclear Codes and information on Saudi Arabia from the Raid on Trump? Come on, you remember..
Well... Here is a really big WHOPPER... Hang on to tight... The WAPO announced it was not true.... All fabricated... Let me tell you about the WAPO.. WAPO and NYT got the Pulitzer prize for the "Russian Collusion" and guess what? It was all bunk... yep, one big fabricated LIE. Now you would think the WAPO and NYT would return the Pulitzer Prize, right?
Nope. They keeping it! If you do not believe what I am telling you, do your research... All of the above is 100% true and you can verify it. No need to give me negative money.. Sometimes you have to read and hear things that you don't like, but that is life, so they say.
There is a lot of speculation on what were in the TOP SECRET documents.
So, no one knows what is/was in there.
Do you know why?
Because it is. TOP SECRET!