MR-7 » 20 Feb 2023, 6:53 pm » wrote: ↑
truth be told, the majority of this country are done with all of the garbage.
Greene called the idea a "national divorce" for people sick of Democrats' "traitorous" policies in a tweet on President's Day.
Sounds good to me.
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Nikki Haley has a better idea. She speaks of God and Faith.
She says she is from Immigrant parents. Claims she is a 'Woman of Color'.
Then goes on to say that the Republican Party has lost 7 of the last 8 'Popular Votes'.
She is appealing to the Faithful. Immigrant Latinos can identify with her being a 'Immigrant.
Black women can identify with 'Woman of Color' and their experience of growing up in the Black Church.
A united Christian Army of Voters can actually make this nation into a 'Christian Country'.