The4thReich. » 14 Sep 2024, 4:02 am » wrote: ↑
Globalists and Cultural Marxists attempt to crush nationalism, but they can't. Nationalism is strong in the world, which is why globalists are desperately doing anything and everything to keep Trump out.
I agree. We are a tribal species. The Fuhrer knew this quite well. Globalists will fail because they clearly want to rule the world, probably from some hidden valley in Switzerland or maybe from a below the ice hideout in Antarctica or maybe from Klaus Schwab's private island??? The key to happiness is the realization that we humans like to live among our own. Trade with Africans and Asians but keep them at a distance.
Special note: If all of humanity is essentially equal in intelligence and abilities then why, someone please tell me, when Arabs and Europeans first went to Sub-Sarharan Africa did they find only undeveloped peoples who measured weath by the numbers of wives and cattle owned, a collection of cultures that didn't even have the wheel much less any desire to see what was beyond the next mountain.
And now.... not much has changed except that the Africans all want to come to white countries to have a share in things that they did not help to build. No. I say you people stay home and make your own lands the garden spots on the planet that everyone else would love to live in.
There are great differences between the races. We are not all equal in terms of abilities. Anyone who disputes this need only go to Congo for a year or so. But.... no matter the realities, we whites get all the blame.