I have read all those claims before. Especially the one about the villa in Spain. These sorts of disputes arise when the proponents of competing factions sling mud at each other. Mud slinging is always a popular device. In my view Zelensky was cleared of any wrong doing. And who might be behind such attacks? How about those who were beaten in the last election? It happens all the time you know.
Zelensky did quite well during his years as an entertainer. Would it be a sin to have gained financial security from such work? I think not.
There two kinds of men in the world. The first are those who think in emotional terms and those who are more rational. Which am I? Which are you? I can tell you one thing that only a fool would deny. Had Porochenko won the last election Putin would not have invaded. It is my opinion that Petro Oleksiyovych would probably have made a deal with him. But on what terms? No one knows.
Lastly I note that you refer to Zelensky being a Jew in what can only be understood as being a perogative manner. Is there something wrong with being a Jew? Jesus was a Jew. Sometimes we forget that. Clearly this indicates a bias against Zelensky which any reasonable man would consider unworthy of one who purports to be thoughtful. A man's religion should have nothing to do with his politics. It is also very hard to take seriously the man who resorts to name calling. In this case you refer to Zelensky as being a "Crime Thug". Not really a very mature thing to do.
Like it or not you and I both have Zelensky for the president. If you do not like him then be patient, another election will be held and you can vote against him. In the meanwhile Putin is running amok causing much harm in my city of Kherson too. Shall we squabble about personality issues and forget who the real enemy is? I think not.
Thanks for reading...