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17 May 2023 7:11 pm
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FredH » 17 May 2023, 10:31 am » wrote: You are a *******. Your heroine Hillary Clinton spewed as much. Tell me you retard what similarity do you "Liberals" actually have with classic Liberalism? You **** Marxist scum.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classical ... ]Classical liberalism[/b] is a political tradition and a branch of liberalism that advocates free market and laissez-faire economics; civil liberties under the rule of law with special emphasis on individual autonomy, limited government, economic freedom, political freedom and freedom of speech. It gained full flowering in the early 18th century, building on ideas stemming at least as far back as the 13th century within the Iberian, Anglo-Saxon, and central European contexts and was foundational to the American Revolution and "American Project" more broadly.[1][2][3]Notable liberal individuals whose ideas contributed to classical liberalism include John Locke,[4] Jean-Baptiste Say, Thomas Malthus, and David Ricardo. It drew on classical economics, especially the economic ideas as espoused by Adam Smith in Book One of The Wealth of Nations and on a belief in natural law,[5] social progress,[6] and utilitarianism.[7] In contemporary times, Friedrich Hayek, Milton Friedman, Ludwig von Mises, Thomas Sowell, George Stigler and Larry Arnhart are seen as the most prominent advocates of classical liberalism.[8][9]
I am a Trump supporting conservative, retired US military, two year Vietnam combat veteran.   I can tell by the tone of your response that you have neither education nor maturity.   When you get a little older you'll learn how to speak to your betters.
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