Skans » 19 May 2023, 4:01 pm » wrote: ↑
You actually spoke with Walt Disney? I had heard the same things about him. I worked with a guy that knew Walt personally - he died about 10 years ago.
Still, that doesn't make Walt infallible. It makes him a dreamer, with dreams that were not entirely in-synch with his corporitist, more pragmatic needs for funding those dreams. If you ain't got the money, then sometimes you have to whore-out your dreams to feed the kids.
Sure. You are right. We humans are too obsessed with the power than comes from money.
Now we are once again being tempted by global Marxism. They promise the world for the little guy but it always turns out that they build empires for themselves and the rest of us? We get hung out to dry.
Disney did the best that he knew how. Without his backers that little plot in Anaheim would probably still be in orange trees. He can't take the heat for what happened later. The same would have happened to any of us. Almost....
This is why, when Trump came along, the real rulers of our land **** themselves. Trump didn't need their money. They went crazy trying to run him out of town and they're still at it. They will never learn.
I don't have long to go before my transition back to spirit. I fully intend to find Walt and see what he has to say about the world today.
None of us have all the answers. The best we can do is to keep ourselves aimed at what we think best.
I want to say, in closing, that this sort of thing is what the anti-capitalists rant over all the time. They claim that if only we can purify the world by getting rid of the profiteers then all will be well. But what they don't say is that the profiteers will be replaced by equally evil people who set themselves up as absolute rulers and they have police forces to prove it.
The only way to win in this world is to die are return to heaven where there are no jealousies.