Skans » 20 May 2023, 3:12 pm » wrote: ↑
I truly enjoyed reading your above post which was well written and insightful!
Most of us just want the freedom to live our lives the best we possibly can. However, there will always be a handful of us that crave power. Enough power to elevate themselves over the masses and to control the masses by enacting (
or unequally enforcing) unjust laws, using money to manipulate others and/or sometimes brute force. They can be capitalists, marxists, anarchists, and even theologians, really the same type of human, just educated in different methods of elevating themselves at the expense of others. The one thing they all share is a core belief that different rules apply to them than to the masses. Most of us reject two-faced, self-elevating, elitists. Still, somehow, a handful of them always seem to gain the power that they crave.
All humans will die, we all know that. And perhaps we do return to the sort of heaven you and others describe where there are no jealousies.....
Or, are there? Wasn't Lucifer jealous of God and even God's creation, Mankind? And, what exactly is waiting for the megalomaniacs "in Heaven" who obtained power through corruption and abusing others for their own gain? Interestingly, I never hear of any near death experiences where some evil bastard never saw Heaven but was tormented and tortured in Hell.
Have you? Perhaps its just too horrifying for them to speak of. Or, perhaps such evil bastards don't get second chances, but just die and go straight to Hell.
The Earth's heavens are not the abode of the God of Creation. Our heavens are divided into seven "layers" or areas, one above the other. At the lower end of these which is very close to the physical we find that it is possible for humans to behave as they did while "alive" in the physical. This is a complicated place. First, it is the location where the storied war in heaven took place. And yes it is possible here to entertain human emotions such as jealousies. And this is where the hell is too. This is an isolated place, well guarded. Only the evil doers go there or those who die suddenly while on drugs or in fits of rage. Normal people die and immediately rise above that place.
It is not surprising that those who have a NDE never report it. Evil people or drug addicts are not inclined to speak of such experiences. Normal people are... and do.
About this hell... it is not the eternal place of punishment as reported. Souls who go there are given time to amend their ways. They are watched by others high above them. When they, themselves, decide it's time to move on then they are lifted up and restored. But... this does not mean they are expunged of any debts incurred. They will still have to pay amends for their wrong doing in future lives.
It's very simple really. With or in God's creation nothing is ever lost. We err. We sin. We make amends. We are punished. We are rewarded. But in the end even the worst among us is forgiven and elevated. Before the end of the world every bit of spirit and matter that was created is purified and returns to the Father. Nothing is ever lost.
This is not something one will hear in Christian circles. It's true nonetheless.