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Justin Sane
20 Aug 2023 7:13 am
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Bruce » 20 Aug 2023, 1:12 am » wrote: Folks, in the entire history of the United States only President Trump refused to peacefully step aside and congratulate the winner. Only him, none of the others.
Concocting a lie about Russian collusion and relentlessly pushing this narrative through the media for 3 years, is not stepping aside particularly peacefully, and it's about as far from being congratulatory in its intent, as you can get. The conspiracy theory was of course fabricated to undermine and de-legitimise Trump's win in an election which - according to the electoral processes of the US - he won fair and square. The intent of the lie is clear, and you bet it has resulted in/contributed to, quite intense division and hostility amongst the US electorate and undoubtedly resulted in violence. And this wasn't anything anyone could argue she legitimately believed - she concocted a story about the president colluding with Russia, to divide America.  Only Hillary has done that - no one else. Is that of importance?.. does this count as an attempt to defraud the US electorate? Is the media's compliance in all this, evidence of a criminal conspiracy?..  apparently not in this instance

Hillary's absolute animus towards Trump, based entirely on a lie she created, remains a root of harsh social division to this day, as many are still utterly convinced by the false diatribe of this disgraceful, scheming harpie. All of these dumb left-wing slogans, like 'attacking democracy', 'election denial', 'baseless conspiracy theory' etc.. she's guilty of them all, and no one from the left gives a **** - because they never cared a **** about any of those accusations in the first place, they're just empty, asinine slogans.

Once again, the outstanding dynamic in all this isn't Trump - once again, it's the establishment's reaction, which amounts to unashamed, unapologetically politicized animus towards Trump. To paraphrase Steven Crowder: "More than 120 charges against him.. they're throwing more **** at the wall than Amber Heard on a bender'. And Jesus - some of those charges:
On or about the 3rd day of December 2020, Donald John Trump caused to be Tweeted from the Twitter account @RealDonaldTrump "Georgia hearings now on @OANN. Amazing!" This was an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy
But apparently the legal system is blind.. Sure it is.. it's blind to the conspiracies of Hillary Clinton, but it's sure keen to find conspiracies amongst her detractors.. By golly will it find them, come hell or high-water.

Contesting the outcome of an election is almost mandatory, the aspect that's bizarre and off the wall in all this, isn't that Trump did it as well, it's the relentless determination to find a way of singling out Trump's understandable response to a highly dodgy looking election, as demanding of political and legal attention - where the less understandable and ultimately more damaging election responses of others, apparently warrant no such attention.

A mere witch hunt?.. Optimistic, Mr Trump

No, I'm not raking through history to 'provide links'. If you can't directly dispute a point, then question your own links.
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