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Justin Sane
4 Mar 2023 4:33 am
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slideman » 02 Mar 2023, 12:40 pm » wrote:
Vegas » 02 Mar 2023, 12:23 pm » wrote: Doesn't Ukraine have a bunch of Nazis...who you are defending? 

As always, one cannot be a lefty without being a hypocrite. It cannot be done.
Russian propaganda, dolt
The Azov battalion are openly neo-Nazi and have been right back to when they were little more than a paramilitary group, violently trying to de-Russify Ukraine - and many would argue that little has changed over the years, on either of those fronts. They make no secret of it - it's referenced multiple times even on the Wikipedia entry about them.. unless it's been changed very recently. In which case, no bother, I took a copy of the original page. If you don't like Wikipedia, go to whatever source you prefer and you'll find reference to Nazism in relation to the Azov battalion, along with photos of them holding up Swastikas and other Nazi emblems. Their own emblem is little more than a slightly adjusted version of the Wolfsangel - associated with a WW2 Panzer division

So, how many countries in the west do you think would have a military battalion - an aspect of their establishment - that was openly Nazi?.. The answer is none, it simply wouldn't be tolerated and anyone who even voiced it as an idea would find themselves hounded out of society before they finished the sentence. As a Nazi, you might get a job in a slaughterhouse or something, but that's as high up the social ladder as you're climbing.

But not in Ukraine it seems. It seems in Ukraine this is tolerated - the implication of this being that the Nazi problem in Ukraine has to be bigger than the Azov battalion and other similar paramilitary groups, or the Azov battalion simply wouldn't and couldn't exist at all, in much the same way it wouldn't and couldn't exist here


No, I'm not raking through history to 'provide links'. If you can't directly dispute a point, then question your own links.
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