Do you think the people who want to, or have attempted to, assassinate Trump, actually listen to Trump? Do you think they go to his rallies, watch his long speeches online? The mainstream have ridiculously over-dramatised, catastrophised, misrepresented and misquoted Trump for the past 8 years, in order to create the worst possible image. That's who they're listening to. They edit what he says, shift comments in the stream of what he's saying, extract select comments from context - and present this idiotic, sliced-up **** as being the truth. The barrage of juvenile bollocks these disgracefully partisan hacks have fed people as being reliable news, would insult the intellect of a cheese sandwich.
It's not Trump that fires up the Dems to go around murdering people who politically disagree with them - Dems don't listen to Trump. Dems listen to angry Joe Scarborough, who feels '**** you' if you don't agree with his brazen lying. Rachael Madcow who lied about Russiagate for 3 years. Dumb (smell my willy) Lemon. Camilla (he's sharp as a tack) Harris.. anyone, any of these partisan shills - but never Trump
No, I'm not raking through history to 'provide links'. If you can't directly dispute a point, then question your own links.