Who says there wasn't rigging? There's little motivation for anyone to pursue a complaint against corrupt behaviour that failed in its goals anyway. Why buy yourself the trouble? That's not the same as the corrupt behaviour not existing. Repubs have no motivation to pursue this, since if the corruption exists, it failed. Equally, the Dems are highly unlikely to start demanding answers as to why their election rigging failed, so there's zero motivation for them as well
As for the alternative scenario where Repubs steal the election; if you're going to steal an election, you need people on the inside - establishment co-conspirators - either to enable, or enact the processes required, or there simply is no route that won't be thwarted in a modern, democratic, first-world nation. Since there's not a single person in the establishment who'd lift a finger to pull Trump out of a car wreck, I'm guessing there's also no one to help him steal an election.
Who knows? Maybe election fraud was rife... and failed due to the sheer number of Trump voters.
No, I'm not raking through history to 'provide links'. If you can't directly dispute a point, then question your own links.