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Justin Sane
18 Mar 2023 4:32 am
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372 posts
I think the insane aspect of all this which really makes me feel the west is pretty much **** at this point, is that all of these lefties and trans-activist lunatics can perfectly well define what a woman is. The determination of their ideological possession to wreck the social norms of western society has become so relentless that even totally nonsensical claptrap will get supported by them, so long as it can be sufficiently weaponized against established society. Expect flat-Earth theory being taught in our schools next

The truth is, they’re all lying through their teeth. No one actually thinks a man can become a woman, or that a woman is anyone who identifies as one (idiotically circular definition). No one actually thinks you can be born in to the wrong body. No one actually thinks there’s an infinite number of genders. They're lying to themselves and everyone around them. The motivation is that the pathological aspect of their personalities relishes the societal chaos their delusional fantasies are unleashing on an unsuspecting society - who are now being forced by these narcissists, to share in their narcissistic delusional psychosis. As far as ego-points go for the 'exceptional' personality, forcing people to believe total **** is an absolute harvest

The chaos has become so ingrained at this point that it's impossible to even hold a discussion on the subject, because no one can even agree what words mean any more. The discussion ends up centred on semantics – but can still go on for hours. And that's been the biggest contribution of trans-activism and modern gender theory so far - social chaos

Would I proudly accept a trophy for beating a woman senseless in a cage-fight, knowing damn well I’m not a woman?.. no because I’m not narcissistic personality disordered – I’d feel nothing but soul-crushing shame. Would I proudly accept a female swimming trophy on the same basis - no, for the same reasons. Even if I wanted to live my life as a woman, I wouldn’t consider behaving in this disgraceful manner for my own self-aggrandisement. But then, I’m not mentally ill

So, no, I don't want to see International Women's Day being cancelled, even if there are so many people lying about not being able to define what a woman is. Because that's exactly what these hostile little activist **** want. They are looking to take over and subvert anything and everything that reaffirms the gender binary nature of humanity. And if they can't subvert it - destroying it or getting it banned is just as good. They want nothing around them that doesn't act as affirmation for their own delusional psychosis, and one of the ways they are attempting to get that is through rewarding biological men for women’s achievements and struggles as if there’s nothing bizarre, perverse or unacceptable about this development

What I'd really like to see, is women, especially, getting really really **** angry. You lot are far too agreeable for your own good at times. Apologies for the length of the post
No, I'm not raking through history to 'provide links'. If you can't directly dispute a point, then question your own links.
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