RebelGator » 29 Apr 2023, 1:47 pm » wrote: ↑
I predict the US will be mired in a depression that will make the Great Depression of the '30's look like the gay '90's. Civil unrest will be rampant as the scum that elected him will take to the streets......looting, killing, and raping like the best imitation of South Africa after arpetheid. The best way for you idiots to commit suicide is to vote for Biden. You won't be spared the pain because you're one of them, in fact you'll be the first to go as you're perceived to be weak excuses for white people and an easy target.
Have a nice day...... your pal, Reb.
The descent in to absolute tyranny will complete - almost
No, I'm not raking through history to 'provide links'. If you can't directly dispute a point, then question your own links.