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Yesterday 8:30 pm
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Mrkelly » Today, 6:18 pm » wrote: You want real honesty?

For the life of me, I can’t figure out how we got here

Fear would be my guess

I need to preface this with 

I was in the Obomba cult

but when I realized that he was a war criminal, and shill for the MIC , big pharma, big insurance and a punk for the oligarchs 

I dropped out

but …. we have **** people excited that the richest oligarch IN THE WORLD has access to all of our ****

And get a strong voice in just how our tax dollars shout be spent

And he gets BILLIONS OF IT 

and brags about the hackers that he has aboard 

An idiot president that is lucky to be alive that he seems to have his mind right

A narcissist that can be controlled with praise 

And people cheer?

To me?

The pirates 🏴‍☠️ own the flag

They install people to make sure that **** gets done

The more theatrical, the better

The oligarchs are saying it IN OUR FACE … **** YOU

 My prediction stands


See signature … and I have you to thank for turning me on to such an amazing artist
WORD bro.  WORD.

Just at this deranged microcosm of US humanity on NHB.  
90% are literally retards.

Like you, I was sold out as well, but to Bush/Cheney...all in.  """"KILL 'EM ALL !!!""""
And then I came to the same realization as you...WASH DC are owned lil bitches.

I suspect we have been played just the Argentinian people and that corrupt Libertarian creep Milei. 

And dammit!....Where is what we provide to Israel???...Universal Healthcare and Free College?

This $5,000 promise is damn near bribery.

Mr. Freda.....

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