Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
3,840 posts
Cannonpointer » 26 Jun 2023, 7:49 pm » wrote: ↑
You vote for everything you claim to be against.
Home schooling is not anti-social.
You are not a doctor - and sucking rachael maddow's dick doesn't make you an expert, fruitcake.
I pointed you to the science - it's you who remain willfully ignorant
Republicans are downright tepid. Your hysteria about them merely shows your high dudgeon feminine side.
As a boy it was drilled into me that Christ watched me, all the time, night and day, and he was making a record of what I did, and didn’t do. And, someday I’d stand before Him, and be judged.
What’s so wrong with today’s GOP is liberal, Dr. Seuss, Dr Spock, feel good, permissive parenting that leaves the poor kid now a grown up who was subjected to it unafraid of Judgement Day. They were taught to worship only themselves, with Ayn Rand as their God.
I know I’d burn forever in hell, for spreading outright lies about coronavirus.
Christ won’t cut anyone who’s studied His teachings a break for killing people.
After vaccines became available almost twice as many Republicans died of Covid as Democrats. ... 27425.html
What disgusts me almost as much is my Democratic friends saying good riddance to the Republicans who didn’t get their shots and took quack cures.
Is it really their choice to die, or did some fully vaccinated conservative whore on television tell them what they wanted to hear?
My Master will not inquire as to your politics at Judgement.
He commanded us to love our enemies, walk the extra mile, and turn the other cheek.
There’s nothing wrong with the GOP a good dose of truth seeking and personal responsibly cannot fix.