omh » 18 Sep 2021, 7:47 am » wrote: ↑
so do I. it pleases me to expose mental passive aggressives like you to end of time as your mentality rations it logistically to grammar and linear mathematics even up to quadratic equations triangulating two sides against center balance 6 ways and 8 corner diversions against each ancestor added to the population here.
simple origami figures map out philosophy, psychology, hope, faith, charity, power, wealth, fame, poverty, mayhem, madness, misery induced because a few play supreme intellectual designer of tomorrows within the kinetics of biology leaving life eternally separated as mutually evolving here now.
So clever, exposing the obvious and all it's covert accompaniment which is exactly how you describe.
I will work on my deception tactics going forward.
Can we leave it there or would you like the last word?