Nostradamus'omh » 15 Jan 2024, 9:27 am » wrote: ↑
Guess again. Socialism is colonizing around a social mentality, doesn't matter the franchise of humanity, race, creed, color, gender, generation gap, spiritual conviction, artistic impression, academic interpretation, political leaning, economic status, lived or alive.
Life exists per lifetime adapted or adapting to the moment here as added to ancestral position so far. Direct accountability to numbers occupying time as inhabiting space now.
Your mind game of believing anything is possible goes out of your way to never accept genetics eternally separates active reproductions native to this universal 16 location, 8 location, 4 location, 2 location, each located ancestor between womb and tomb. Regardless species
Same applies to any planet in any solar system in any other galaxy existing in series parallel time displaced now each evolving as unique displaced.
Space time evolving doesn't exceed mutually adapting in space now as conceived to replace those combined your chromosomes into never duplicated DNA results left alive here.