Cannonpointer » 03 Jan 2024, 7:43 pm » wrote: ↑
What ARE these benefits?
What ARE these contraindications?
Anecdotes are almost like data - to people from the kentucky hill country.
Wow. That is one HELL of a conclusion, based on a SINGLE piss-pot anecdote, science guy. Are you related to Bill Nye?
Do you have ANY DATA whatsoever - or just hayseed anecdotes?
The benefits of the various COVID-19 vaccines are that they help prevent one from being infected with the COVID-19 virus and its many variants and very often substantially reduce the severity of COVID-19 infections in vaccinated individuals. In brief, these vaccines mainly prevent infection and significantly lessen COVID-19's severity concerning vaccinated individuals. That means that a vaccinated patient with mild to moderate symptoms could likely have manifested with severe complications up to and including the possibility of intubation without being vaccinated.
The vaccine's less severe medical contraindications include short-term injection site pain, rashes, redness, headache, fatigue, low-grade fever, nausea, and vomiting. More severe complications are allergic reactions to specific components of the vaccine as well as immunosuppression. There is also a minor risk of inflammation of the heart (myocarditis) and inflammation of the heart's outer lining (pericarditis). And, of course, as with all vaccines, there is the risk of death, although it is minimal, respecting COVID-19 vaccines. Indeed, between December 2020 and June 2021, 310.2 million doses of the vaccines were dispensed, while 5,333 deaths were reported relative to those 310.2 million doses. 5,333 deaths may seem to be a large number. Still, compared to the total number of doses given out within those six months, it is, statistically speaking, an insignificant number of vaccine-related mortalities.
Ergo, the risks associated with the COVID-19 vaccines are minimal from a medical standpoint rather than a political standpoint. When compared to the estimated 1.1 million COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. since 2020, the risks associated with the vaccines are all but statistically meaningless.
Per my use of an anecdote about "long COVID," it was not intended as proof of anything. However, since 8.8 million Americans reported having "long COVID" in September of 2023, the story I told is one of millions of such stories that need to be said. And, contrary to widespread belief, that which is anecdotal is far from worthless within the medical profession.