I went to the horsey sauce thread and slapped down eight irrefutable proofs that fox lies. As I predicted, you waffled and huffed and puffed but failed to address them. You won;t address them becasue you CAN'T address them without admitting you were wrong - and that's something you don't have the stomach for. So I posted this:You may attend, or not attend, upon me, as is your wont. You challenged us to produce credible evidence of fox news lying. I came to your house and dumped a **** ton of it on your lawn, in your drive way, and very near the edge of your swimming pool. Only the most vacuous of lackeys allow themselves to be propagandized in that low fashion and then defend the propaganda machine. A NEWS CHANNEL photo-shopping the pictures of guys they're doing a hit piece on???? Running b-roll to puff crowd size???I challenged ANY right winger to show me ANYTHING NEAR the low level of garbage from MSNBC that we had shown against fox, time and time again. Guess what happened? One did. He showed MSNCB using cheap-assed camera angles to hide the fact that the pistol toter in the frame was black, since that would have threatened their narrative that the teabaggers were all a bunch of white racists. Y'know what I did?I started a thread about it, acknowledged my error in my previous comparisons, and swore off either watching MSNBC or crediting them as anything superior to fox. There's the difference betwixt us. One of us can admit his errors and learn from them, and the other will defend the indefensible, hiding behind being too busy to view the proof that he demanded (while still picking one that he thinks he can parse a shot at, thus betraying that he DID watch them and simply could not refute them). Is it THAT hard to say, "Y'know what? You guys are right. Fox sux. Moving on..." That's what I did, with MSNBC. And I didn't even have to change my politics (or my underwear). And that summarizes the real issue between us: your intellectual dishonesty. You got the cartoons, the pyramids, the chops. The only thing you lack is the manhood to own your mistakes. And it boxes you in. Now you're stuck with - I think - EIGHT clips that demonstrate to any resonable person that fox is a lying spin machine. The only folks that are gonna pretend to believe otherwise are lowblooded hangers on. So that's what you're stuck with: a claque of shills. You need to govern yourself better. You need to hold yourself to a higher standard. And I never once claimed that you did not approve of the lybia misadventures. Nor can you produce a quote of me doing so. I merely vouchsafed that you had BETTER be behind it, given your history of applauding anything that ignores the sovereignty of nation states and fights for the cause of globalism.