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98% Macho Man
98% Macho Man
35,864 posts
*GHETTOBLASTER » Today, 10:19 am » wrote: You can bet that Johnny U begged his mommy for Beetle Boots and a Nehru shirt..
Then Johnny begged Mommy for Platform Shoes and for her to take him to the Beauty Salon so that he could wear an Afro...
Then Johnny became a Hipster, a Goth, a Paleo..whatever the Social Trend Du Jour was being promoted by the [[[JWO PUPPET MASTERS]]]...Johnny has always been totally on board with....

I had the bell bottoms and the platforms as a 14 year old. Then one day I was just wearing tennis shoes at school, and this nig got up in my face. He was wearing platforms, and he was pushing me verbally. 

I wasn't a kid that took much pushing at all. My step dad was fast as a mother **** with the belt, and consistent with it, too. So I was pretty fearless, since I was getting it anyway, no matter what. I really didn't tie punishment to crime. Punishment was just life. And that made me the freest little **** in town.

Anyway, I knocked that delanamore right off of those shoes. I mean he FLEW, brother. Easily a six foot flight before he landed on his back and just laid there moaning. I went home and told my mom to give my shoes to the Salivation Army. I was done with 'em.

Then when I was 21, I was working the oil patch. A company man that I respected told me the reason women liked men with long hair is that they're lesbians at heart, preferring a feminine looking man, and the ones who preferred short-haired men were straight. Now, I wasn't sure he was right, but I WAS sure that I liked my hair better short, and this was my life, and any broad that needed my hair ling to wanna **** me could just go **** someone else. 

I'm happy to say that no photos exist which show me in bell bottoms. They were orange, low rise, hip-hugger super bells. They were a blasphemy against manhood. I was a child and knew no better. 
"Because I SAY I am" is fallacy, not science

You cannot betray me - only yourself, to me.

Who cuts off your dick is not your friend

An opinion you won't defend is not yours. It's someone else's.

Humanity's Law of the Jungle: Survival NOT of the fittest, but of the tribe.

When peeing in the pool, stand on the edge.

Only religions declare heresy; only lies require protection.

If gender is not sex, why should a gender claim change what sex you shower with?
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