Depends on the position, of course. You guys need to meet in the middle on this one. I've said it once and I'll say it again. It's not just about abortion, it's about contraception. The GOP wants to take women back to the 1950s. I hope you are posting that outrageous accusation from your kitchen, little missy. A bunch of Jackholes. They also put something in the bill to defund ACORN, despite the fact that it had already been stripped of federal funding, and has been defunct for nearly three years. I plan to keep kicking little hawk from time to time. Fallen foes are just easier prey. Goes with being a coward. I wonder which the insurance industry would prefer? They prefer pit bull owners to have guns on hand. the reason law enforcement doesn't take it as serious as they might, is because so many women either lie about the $h!t; or....they just keep going back to these abusive men. i really have very little sympathy for the woman who continues to put herself in an abusive situation like so many do. i'd be rolling my eyes at that $h!t if i was a cop, myself. i'd be like...."well, damn woman. this is only the 3rd call i've had from you this month. ever think it's not your brightest move to stay with this piece of $h!t?" I won't look twice at a chick who isn't putting the makeup on with a trowel. I like em insecure and needy. That way they don't have enough guts to call me on my drinking. yeah. but most men don't like to see women abused. i don't. but if a woman keeps going back to the $h!t? what the f**k is anyone supposed to do about it? MIND THEIR OWN BUSINESS AND LEAVE LITTLE HAWK'S FAMILY ALONE!!! For a variety of reasons, women don't always have a choice. Did you know that the most dangerous time for a victim of domestic abuse is when she tries to get away? That's when she's most likely to be killed. I always cite that statistic to my women.