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21 Mar 2013 5:55 pm
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98% Macho Man
98% Macho Man
35,339 posts
Well I guess if you think it's good enough for people on the terrorist watch list to be able to own guns, it's not much of a stretch to include wife beaters. Domestic violence is a **** charge. Just SAYING it makes it so. Guys get royally screwed by the unconstitutional laws on books all over the country. You think all the state should need to do is hold out enough goodies to women if the cry abuse, and they can pretty much interrupt property rights and gun rights all in one fell swoop? The way DV laws are structured in many states, women can basically commit a legal rape of a guy. A chick can stay a week giving her intended victim daily beejays, have a friend send her a letter, beat the dude to the box, grab the letter, and she is now a "resident" at that address. Then she can all piggies and CLAIM he "threatened" her, and he's out of HIS HOUSE for six months while she sells everything in the house and skips. Pretty good pay for a week of whoring by some sharp little party girl, huh? Let's take his **** gun rights, too - at least until the smoke clears, right? Do you think that if there were any leftie groups doing the same that Maddow would report on them? CONSITENTLY retarded. That's what fox is for, you stupid jagazz. It's THEIR job to ignore this news (as they did) and report anything bad about the left. You really are an intellectual cockroach. If I'm so clueless, why are you so terrified of actually debating me? So terrified of answering my questions? Go ahead, tell a creative lie. Glory Hole, there is no "debating" you, you cretinous pinhead. You spew WSJ Op/Eds, end of story. You NEVER defend a thesis. You quote OTHERS defending it. When that gets destroyed, you engage in puffery and emoticons. You spend way too much time with your face in rich guys' crotches, you effeminate little sycophant.
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