And his thuggish Chicago background and track record as a candidate. Hey, don't feel bad. Slightly built black fellows from large cities scare the crap out of me, too. Frankly, I can't tell the dangerous ones from the safe ones. It's maddening. Misty castrates Glory Hole with every post. It's just so funny. Glory Hole has been running around the forum copy-pasting talking points from the heritage foundation INSISTING that socialist singapore, where the government singlehandedly owns 60% of all the means of production, is not just "capitalist," but economically "more free than the USA." Indeed, the FREE-EST ON EATH. How can business people in Singapore be economically more free, when their competitor gets to MAKE AND ADJUDICATE the laws under which they compete? Simple: THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED TO COMPETE WITH THE GOVERNMENT. Capitalism. It's always changing, like Glory Hole's definitions...