the racists were irrelevent until liberals began calling everyone a "racist" simply because they disagreed with obama's political views. once you all started claiming 1/2 the country were "racists", the division went from there. Well Lews, it is that they agreed when the idea was White, but disagreed when the same exact idea was Black. And once Romney claimed the 47% were scum he wouldn't help, the division was there!!! LMAO!! Need some videos to chaw on, do let me know!! lol. constitutional right to abortion. that's funny. and pretty f**king messed up. hitler would be sincerely proud of the pro-choice movement today. especially considering most of the women who have them are ill bred and inferior. Ah, the Pro-Freedom movement to you. ill bred & inferior? LMAO!!! No, they aren't from the Ozarks & Alabama. lol