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12 Apr 2013 7:47 pm
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66 posts
I have abandoned my Flying Monkeys thread due to the incessant rantings of a lunatic who has taken up residence there. So this will my new home.Just as I did in my other thread, I will use this thread kind of like a blog, to post about a variety of topics that interest me, and vent about them. Of course, as always, I also invite comments from other forum members. ******************************************************************************************** Ilyse Hogue is exactly right. Denying women access to safe and affordable abortion care will only drive the practice underground, and create more butchers like Kermit Gosnell. If you're talking aboutan anti abortionist who has taken up residence there, then you are definitely talking about a lunatic. It's what they do with the time they have because they have no life. People like that are the reason why I am pro choice, and it almost makes me want to support stand your ground laws. People like that are the perfect target for using those laws. As rabid as they are, it would be real easy justifying having to defend yourself from them using deadly force. I hope any woman, parent of a woman, or husband keeps that in mind if you are ever faced with that decision. Exercise your second amendment rights and carry your gun with you to the clinic. It can be very dangerous with the anti abortion thugs whom you may have to protect yourself from.
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