That just friggin defies common sence. Which is why I am my own source. No web site blog source, no Fox news source, a mutha fu(kin map puts the lie to your DOD crap there.Not fond of wiki but here ya go...http://en.wikipedia....ation_SigonellaReally? Politico? Again...Who you gonna believe? A friggin map and maybe a little research of your own to the capabilities and locations of The Mighty US of A's military assets or some left wing blog?I already have.I'm sure there are some, odd though that these people and I have the same questions and I want to know why these men were not backed up, why they are dead when it seems glaringly obvious to me that this should not be.You are just friggin stuck on this "the other guy did it too" defense stuff, ain't you? Well, was there a big bru-ha-ha over Beirut about what actually happened? Did Ronaldus Reaganus go around saying that it wasn't a terrorist attack? Did he send out a minion to the Sunday shows saying that it was a donkey cart accident gone horribly wrong?About that: you think you send assets like that in a similar manner as a call too 911? And they would have done what when they got there? Without HUMINT on the ground they start shooting at who? In the space of those events, and people moving with there whereabouts unknown, you have no actionable intelligence so in your estimation you have all of the information you need to make the Command decision to send in a FAST Team or assets flying blindly with no target solutions? And Reanaldus Reaganus cut and ran after the Marine barracks bombing in Beirut. And he sent out a minion to shows saying it was a donkey cart accident gone horribly wrong.