Cannonpointer » 04 May 2014 4:34 am » wrote:
I understand the excuses that accompany the evil. I have NO PROBLEM with standards. It's who creates and enforces them that bothers me. When Wall Street gets to create and enforce the standards, Main Street takes it in the ***.
Tell me, why does our government require private corporations to SET AND ENFORCE standards for government officials to sign off on? The government is forcing every producer of ANYTHING ELECTRICAL to purchase the product of a private corporation.
The conjobs are against this when it involves poor people getting medicine. Where do they stand when Americans are getting **** out of work in favor of Chinese factories?
I'm with you man. One of the groups you can thank for it is the real estate lobby. another are home owners associations, not to mention mortgage lenders, and insurance companies. Which as a small business owner how the hell anyone on this board can side with any of them. But, if the materials you use to build the panels are listed, you can assemble them yourself and sell them. If you are an inventor and have a patent, you can submit an application yourself, with a sample to UL, and if approved, can sell the product to suppliers for distribution. If it's affordable, and a quality product, electrical contractors who install PV as part of their business could make you very rich, very fast. It sounds like you have plan. Run with it.