Cannonpointer » 04 May 2014 12:21 pm » wrote:
Many are less handy than in previous generations, but there are millions of men in America who CAN do that. The assembly is labor intensive, but far from insurmountable. The start up costs are negligible, beside the potential profits. A man could easily make a living in the top 5% of earners with a start up investment of a few thousands, perhaps even several hundreds.
But the ground between 400 bucks in COGS and a (theoretical, manipulated, artificial) potential sale price of 14,000, is protected turf. It belongs to Wall Street, protected by UL and the government gun. Not only is it disallowed to introduce non-UL to the grid, but it is becoming unlawful to live OFF grid, so that even if one were situated and inclined to capture the efficiency ONLY FOR ONE'S SELF, one would catch a bullet for one's efforts.
There's got to be a loop hole. couldn't you sell the kits, and then contract your labor too put them together, and install them?