Mussolini's rise to autocracy in Italy resembles the situation in the US, today, than the paths of either Hitler or Stalin. Mussolini was prime minister of a democracy for three years, during which time he gradually chipped away at freedoms like press rights and voting privileges. By the time he was indicted in a corruption case, he had amassed enough power to declare a dictatorship. Hitler watched closely but later came to power, by a different route, in Germany. Trump's demeanor and many of his gestures and facial expressions are reminiscent of Mussolini. Like Mussolini, Trump spent time as chief executive, chipping away at the Democratic process. Like Mussolini and his hero, Putin, Trump would surely be baring his chest in public if it wasn't tumescent with McBlubber. Look out, he might do it anyway. Own the Libs indeed !
. Sadly, Italy is once again
drifting toward Fascism. As is the US . Abbot, Thomas, DeSantis, Trump, the Kentucky Legislature, et al ..... They are all forebodings of a nascent Fascist movement flexing its muscles, in the US.