B.See » 06 Aug 2023, 11:42 pm » wrote: ↑
It is in FACT a CLASS war, in which their own constituency are willful participants in their OWN demise.
Yes B.See. All you wrote is important.
In this post, I want to emphasize that it's always been a CLASS WAR. That's why the only solution is for the Poor and Middle Class to take back control, as we had in the 1950s, and tax the Rich appropriately. The rest should be spent on "PROMOTE THE GENERAL WELFARE". This arrangement has proved feasible in the US and many Social Democracies the world over.
The only difference between human groups that matter are common economic and quality-of-life goals. Differences in appearance, religion and ethnicity are unimportant. Ordinary people of all races and ethnic groups would be far better served if they united instead of opposing one another.
Labor unions are a non-governmental way for ordinary people to unite. They typically get better pay, benefits, working conditions, and respect. Joining together toward common economic goals tends to narrow the wealth gap and apportions a far bigger slice of the pie to working people. Governments should encourage unions which is far from the situation in the Plutocracy of the US today.
The root cause of the culture wars:---
In the last 40 years, as income inequality has increased in the US, the ultra-wealthy have accumulated enough capitol to create the most effective propaganda machine the world has ever seen. In 2022, the
Daily Wire alone, reported a hundred million in profits. Add to that, Fox News, which is even bigger ... Epoch Times ... And the literally
hundreds of Far Right medias outlets in print and on the airwaves and it adds up to one of America's biggest and most profitable industries.
Elon Musk, directly runs "Twitter", his own social media hate platform. Trump's "Truth Social" is another. And Rupert Murdoch runs "Fox News". These magnates obviously appreciate the value of polarizing the electorate by inculcating false narratives, deceptive myths and baseless conspiracy theories. Often, Right Wing think tanks come up with new fiction, designed to distract attention from the real problem:--- The Great Money Grab by a handful of the already Super Rich.
So far, class warfare is being waged exclusively by the super rich, against the rest of us. Any pushback from the vast majority has been negligible at best.
The Far Right are buying the illusion of their own freedom, virtue and superiority; And in return, giving their loyalty, to those who have no problem exploiting them along with the same people they have been conditioned to hate.